Went to Pure in Feb. 2008 with a group of girls. We had an awesome time. The music was great, we met nice people, and just had an awesome time. Sure there were snotty people there, but we go to have fun and not act like bitches so we didn't really care. We also didn't have to pay to get in or wait in line. We flirted with the Pure booth guy and all of us got in free with no waiting. I would never wait 2 hours to get into a club! That's just me. Drinks were pricey and water was ridiculous. TIP: Drink in your hotel room before going to the club so you have a nice buzz and then you only have to buy another drink or two at the club - it saves you a TON of $$$. Or, just meet some nice people with table service willing to share their drinks. That's what we did!
The same weekend we went to Tao and I would have to say that I actually liked Pure much better.