When you walk into Whole foods Market located at Town square in Las Vegas your eyes immediately veer to your right at the amazing produce department. After wandering around there for a bit you must stroll into the juice aisles..Just about any kind of combination, natural, exotic juice you can imagine.
Then pull yourself together from all of the selections and carry on. On the next couple of aisles you would find so many various items all pertaining to your health and well being. What I found is that they stock just about any major health food brand.
Located centrally in the store you will find T-shirts, candles, lotions, make- up stuff that apeals to your senses and beauty!
One of my personal favorite places in the store is the fabulous Deli located to the far left of the store..Yum. Get your taste buds ready for such an array of great taste. Last time I visited I probably only spent around $ 40.00..and can't wait to go again!
This is the best place for whole food items,bar none!