Worst "whiskey tasting" I ever had. The class was rambling nonsense by some guy named "JD" about taste blah blah blah. We got poured a bunch of liquers and bottom shelf whiskies. I have tasted probably every expensive bourbon out there outside of early BTAC and unobtainable stuff like AH Hirsche, Eagle Rare 101 etc so I know how to properly taste whiskey and take notes. His tasting class was off basis and caterers towards the extremely inexperienced and is just wrong on certain points and also a complete ripoff considering the price and what he pours for you. After that I found out that he was asking prices like $75 bucks a pour for the rare whiskies and up to $200 a pour for some others. That is just highway robbery. I suggest you skip this place entirely and put together your own tastings with friends and family.