| - Do you know "Nancy?"
I don't know if that's her real name. In fact, it's a shot in the dark. Even if I did know her real name, I wouldn't share it for my own protection.
Nancy doesn't work at Goodwill; she's a customer. She seems to be there whenever I'm there. And she's always pushing a shopping cart. This is because she's own the prowl (for items, not small men that would fit into the shopping cart).
There is nothing wrong with this, but you best not be in her way! If you're in her way, she's going to push the shopping cart to within one inch of your waist and stop, then glare at you with her head tilted (been there).
Jeez, lady. Sorry if I wanted to look at CDs from 1992. If you opt for fight during a fight-or-flight response, then I wish you the best of luck. Nancy will mess you up!
As far as the store goes, it's clean, organized, always full of items, and the employees work very hard. It's also in a good location (between I-77 and Jetton Park with plenty of restaurants to choose from). There's nothing like pizza, a walk in the park, and Goodwill. Or maybe I'm just not living enough.
As long as you don't run into "Nancy," you should enjoy your Goodwill shopping experience in Cornelius.