The front desk guy is a "yes man" and tells you stuff he knows he can't deliver. 'Come back tomorrow at 1' and I sit for an hour to get my VIN # verified, because...."I was supposed to have 3 inspectors, they called in sick, blah blah..." He could've just told me to come back. Then, an hour later another guy comes out and wants my "paperwork" ...what paperwork? To verify your VIN. No one told me I needed paperwork, the PennDot site just said get it verified by a mechanic, no mention of a form, and if when I walked in they had asked me for paperwork I could've saved an hour of my life sitting in their junky waiting room. So, then I drove down to AAA and they said, 'oh you don't need that, we will go look at it for you". I will not go back I will find anywhere else.