Disappointment only begins to scratch the surface. Anger, frustration, injustice... impotence! I could keep going and going! Long story short: On his 1st day of doggy daycare, Heidi decided to cut my schnauzer's beard, WITHOUT my permission because her floors were getting dirty! Coffee house, don't serve coffee because the mugs are getting dingy! Of course her floors are going to get dirty, she has a dirt lot for a backyard with five other dogs in it! Worst of all she decides that my dog is to blame for it! I wouldn't be so angry if she would've at least given him a nice trim! It's as choppy as a 5-year-old who took scissors to her bangs! If Heidi has no problem cutting my dog's hair, then what other things does she not have a problem doing? Why should we ever trust her again?? It's sad that a business like Heidi's gives daycares a bad name. :(
P.S. I wonder if Heidi is a certified dog groomer? Is she allowed to do this?? Hmm....