Jan 4th, 2013
Keri Hilson Performed Live.
Bank made it fairly easy to get in for Bellagio Guests.
Glow tubes were thrown from the balcony. Yes, everyone was
hit in the head but its not very heavy... just don't look up.
Music was pumpin... but slow. Nothing you could really dance to.
Sure you can jump around and sway but come on now, lets get
movin! Put some lyrics on already!
Terribly Bad:
I was shot in the club, that's right. By a gun? Yes. A weapon? No. People were shooting off party poppers, the type you shoot like a gun, with a handle. I believe The Bank provided them because of the Keri Hilson appearance. Some idiot decided to shoot either at the floor or at me because it was close range and made impact with my ankle. The pain was the kind to make you double down and yell out loud.
Blood? Yes. Streaming down my ankle. Thanks a lot to The Bank for giving this to the idiot who shot me and thanks to the idiot who shot me in the foot after working the entire week standing at CES.
This was a 2 Star review until I saw my credit card bill. I bought a friend a drink and the bartender (after 10 min of processing my credit card) charged me for 2 drinks! He probably pocketed the $ !