Bright Lights Big City is The Las "Fu@king" Vegas strip! One of the greatest city's on the planet in my opinion. Where else can all your vices become reality in one place and its legal?
The Las Vegas Strip is a playground for adults. Whether your into gambling , drinking, sex, shopping or Voyeurism is your thing it's all acceptable. This Strip is playground catering to the young & old. I come out 3 or 4 times a year for some gambling, personal vices & Tiki Drinks @ FRANKIES! Your not really living life if your not consuming rum based drinks in Vegas...
This Strip offers some of the finest hotels , live entertainment, shopping & Restaurants for al to enjoy. Whether it's a concerts, XXX strip clubs and night clubs with unbelievable DJ's including Paul D from the Jersey Shore ( Heyyyyyy Buddyyy ) you always have a sensational experience.
Come see what it's all about and recover later.
Frank & Elvis have left the building!