Is it cute or frustrating that yelp doesn't have Vegas friendly categories for video poker restaurant hangout bar. This is not a dive bar, it's open 24 hours, so it's not necessarily nightlife.
I used to live by 215 and Eastern and if I didn't get robbed and kicked out by the bitch mother of who I was living with (I cleaned her place more than her son ever did), I'd still be frequenting this area. I felt I had to move away from this area too soon, there's a lot going on in this corner of town that hasn't been tapped and overexposed by the trendy masses.
I drank at this place all night until it was time to order breakfast. I had been taken here by a friend when I used to work in Henderson (at the defunct Spaghetti Factory) and Horizon Ridge gave me a Chico (California)/ down town San Jose and Down town Vegas feel to it. We bar hopped walking back and forth twixt here and Red Hawk most of the night. And I have no idea why people reviewing Red Hawk left this out, they're like complimenting bookmarks on a good night of debauchery in the area.
Great food, great drink specials, and God you feel like hell when the sun comes up. And you're there a couple of weeks later rinsing and repeating.
Oh, I mentioned before but I better in this review... This IS the same family that runs the classic winchell's donuts. So why don't they serve them here? I don't think it would take apart from the other breakfast items on the menu. I think it would even bringin more drive by breakfasters!