Looking for cutting edge theatre and a fabulous party haven? This is the place.
Yes, as mentioned in the other "review" it is hot in the summer. But there are 9 other months of the year to enjoy this more than worthwhile space. And, it has been cleaned up considerably of late. The stair carpet is replaced though the chairs still squeak.
Still, if you want amazing events (Strip Spelling Bee, Slow Dance Parties, Launches of all kinds, the Best New Years' bash) and edgy theatre and dance, this is the place to be. If you want non-squeaky seats and snazzy looks, go watch the 'safer' theatre at the Centaur or the Segal. All the other anglo theatre venues in town are run on a shoe-string, staffed mostly be volunteers and have no money to buy anything new. Most of their furnishings are donated.
No one gets into the theatre business to make money honey; you get into it for love of theatre. And I LOVE this theatre.