| - In search of a great Reuben, I went to Mr Brisket led by a great reputation and raving yelp reviews. First thing I noticed on entering was a hazy smell of scorched vegetable oil, almost like burning paint from their sandwich press. It was not pleasant.
I read their chalkboard and it said "All Reubens $11.95". Wow, their price for Reuben's have gone up a bit since the last yelper posted the photo of their chalkboard! Thinking I was getting a huge awesome sandwich, I placed the order.
It was not bad, but not the biggest, best or even greatest. The corned beef was excellent and the bread was very good, but it was light on the cheese, kraut and dressing. Their sandwich press also gave it that nasty flavor of scorched oil, not a nice grilled toasted flavor. For the size, it was definitely not worth $11.95.
The staff was very nice and the service was quick, but their corned beef deserves better presentation than the Reuben they make.
If it came off a griddle like a grilled cheese does, was bigger and had more condiments they would have something worthy of my $12.