I think we have a winner here folks!! Love the flavors Cheesecake, peanut butter, Cake Batter , Irish Mint and a ton more also two very tart flavors for those who love the Fro Tart scene. The sweet soft celery green of the place gives it a hip feel along with the iridescent tiles all over the place and they have a super big seating area that doesn't feel like your perched in a hallway ( Jujuberri :() ) I loved just sitting eatting hanging out without feeling like I had to rush out or ,get out of the way .
Most flavors are non fat and low sugar , even a no sugar flavor as well. Yogurtini is chocked full of live cultures so it's great for your digestive system so you got have a big bowl right away.
Check out this place easy to get to off Bell and 7th street.