| - Oh, Fresh and Easy I will be so sad if you shut down. :(
I do love you and I love the ease that you offer me after a long day at work. I can quickly run in, get my milk, a loaf of fresh French bread, some quick produce for tomorrow's lunch bag, and sometimes I'll even get a pre-prepared, preservative free entrée for dinner. You make it quick and painless and I don't have to walk the length of 3 football fields from one end of the store to the other to hit the dairy, produce, baked goods and meat section.
Another thing I love about you is that you don't clutter up the aesthetics of the store, or add another hassle to my shopping experience by cleverly stationing racks of impulse buys at the check out prompting my son to beg for various sugary delights.
And the final thing I will miss is your mark down area. While I have found that some items are still priced too high to be a real deal, the only place you lose a star, I've still scored amazing deals on fresh seafood, steaks, bakery items and so forth. I will certainly miss that too.
Tesco, please reconsider shutting down these stores, there has to be a way to make this business model work. I'm not sure what that missing secret to your business success is, but I certainly feel that Fresh and Easy is a pleasant enough shopping experience that there has to be some way to turn other shoppers onto it too.