This is a very convenient location and it's kind of tucked away from the world.
I rarely use USPS (most of my correspondence is digital) but on the rare times that I do, this is the default location.
The employees could be more helpful and they could enforce rules more diligently. Case in point, I almost got into an altercation with a woman who failed to recognize that when you step out of line, you lose your place in line (seriously, no one is in elementary school any more). She did this three times and the last time was right before I was set to go to the counter, with my package all ready for shipping. Word of advice, when in line at the post office (or any other government agency for that matter) have your stuff together! Don't wait until the last minute to get things done and don't be that jackass who holds up the rest of the patrons who have their stuff together.
I can't really blame anyone but the inconsiderate woman for her behavior, but had the employees stepped in, the near-altercation would have been avoided.
That episode notwithstanding, this place is very convenient and runs fairly smoothly and quickly on a regular day.