If your coming in as an out patient for physical therapy, this place is great. if you have to stay here for a couple of days or weeks I wouldn't recommend it. It was just my personal experience. The Dr that runs this place is really nice and did an excellent job . It was just the nursing staff and especially the nursing staffs supervisors that made my stay very difficult have a medical condition that needs special needs and the supervisors refused not only my request , but the Dr's request as well to have treatment in my room. I have complained and so have many other people with my same condition to not stick us in a closet sized room with no TV for the 4 hour treatments that keep us alive. When I told this to the supervisor she was very rude and lied to me by saying I am the only one who has ever complained about it. When i tried to explain further about why I didn't like it in there she repeatedly said to me in a rude way "she would give me a book" like maybe 5 times. It was very sad for me , It is painful enough to do these treatments , but they made it worse really hope they figure out a way to fix this situation because more people are going to be stuck in that closet , and its just not right.