Did you know you can make an appointment at the DMV now???
I made an appointment for today and showed up and they couldn't find it in their system. I showed her my confirmation and she was like "that's for tomorrow ma'am" and I was like OMG I'm such a dumbass. *FACE PALM* I figured, hey, I'm already here, I might as well stay and wait with the rest of the unwashed masses.
So I sat down to wait and it was so hot in there I was sweating. After about 30 minutes I see a couple of employees put on orange vests and then the fire alarm goes off. The employees start yelling "EVERYBODY OUT! AWAY FROM THE BUILDING! ACROSS THE ROAD" and we were all herded like cattle across the street. I felt so sorry for the families with small children and all the little old disabled people trying to hobble out there in the 105 degree heat.
IT WAS A FREAKIN' FIRE DRILL. We stand around outside sweatin' our balls off for about 10 minutes and then they let us all back inside. Another hour or so rolls by and then my number gets called and I get to deal with the world's grumpiest lady ever.
Moral of the story...make an appointment!!! Dear DMV you need to do that fire drill shit on your own time before the place opens and not when it's a million degrees outside and you have a lobby full of customers!! Please pretend that you give a shit about human beings!!!