A WARNING to all:
After hiking this trail last week my car as well as another car in the nearby vicinity had the windows busted out and shattered and all valuables inside were taken (purses, wallet, keys, etc). Both myself and the other person had our purses hidden underneath the back seat and there was dark tinting on both of our windows. The police officer that came to take the report and dust for possible fingerprints said this is a pretty common occurrence there and that with the weather cooling off they knew it would only be a matter of time until it started happening again. He said they've bought a drone to monitor the area but it's still in testing phases.
It's really a shame that this happened because this trail was one of my favorites but I'm extremely hesitant to return since the incident. I'm trying to go to places like Pinnacle Peak now instead because they at least have a trailhead office near the parking lot that's staffed and that alone would help to detour vandalism, thefts, or break-in's. Like I said, it's an awesome trail but knowing this kind of thing was a pretty common occurrence would have definitely made me either go somewhere different (that's staffed) or bring absolutely nothing in my vehicle.