Consol is a great venue but I have to only give it 2 stars due to the distracting and overly obnoxious employees who were working the Amy Schumer concert last night. I was in section 213 and I understand cell phone usage can be distracting and inconsiderate during shows, but the workers were more distracting than the few people who took a quick peek at their phone. I didn't even notice thanks to the stadium seating until the ushers were shining bright blue headlights into everyone's face demanding people to put away their phones. They interrupted and blinded our section about 10 times during a very short show. It was excessive and unnecessary. The ushers also could have asked a little more nicely. A young usher in our section acted like the people behind me who were accidentally in the wrong seating didn't know the alphabet they were so stupid for being in the wrong row. It seemed like he got enjoyment out of humiliating them. He was the one who seated them in that row is the most ironic part of it all. I deserve my money back because of the poor staff Consol had working during the Amy Schumer show. Find a better way to enforce the no cell phone rule.