| - Love, love, love my Penzey's spices! I've gotten hooked on Vietnamese Cinnamon, Mexican vanilla, FRESH and BIG bay leaves, ancho chile power, chipotle chile powder, dried chiles of all types and spice blends that I would never have imagined before Penzey's. Best of all, opening the sample jars and taking a good deep whiff of all those heavenly smells is a treat in itself.
Before Penzey's first landed in Squirrel Hill, I'd get the catalog, peruse and ponder what to buy, what to buy...send in my order with a check and anxiously watch the mail. Okay, that was back PRE-internet and ordering online. Sounds almost Neanderthal! We are SO lucky to be one of the few cities across the country to have a store right here. And thank goodness it moved to the Strip District.
Yes, there are cheaper herbs and spices in the strip....and I do buy my granulated garlic at PennMac and my anise and star anise at Stamooli's. Penzey's spices aren't expensive, but they do cost a little more....quality is worth it. Heading there Thursday....I'm giddy to walk in the front door and breathe deeply!