| - We went here for restaurant week.
First impressions, when walked in, there was a fire pit with cuts of meat rotating around it. I felt my inner primal caveman doing cartwheels. I knew it was going to be a good day!
The hostess was very cordial. The restaurant was beautiful. Very clean design with tall ceilings and very open floor plan.
It was a little pricey for lunch $30.12 but it was worth every penny.
I was worried about what my vegetarian GF was going to eat. Browsing the menu online, they offered a salad bar. Again, a little pricey for lunch $19.95
I have to say, hands down, it was the best salad bar i have ever seen. All of the food was delicious and the vegetables were very fresh.They also had some delicious cured meats, great cheeses including a whole wheel of Parmesiano Reggiano that was flaked into large chunks My GF was very impressed with all of the selections. She was happy, thus everyone was happy.
Now to the good stuff, aka the meat! As with Brazilian Steakhouses, you have a card that is green on one side and red on the other. Green means "bring on the meat" and red means "not right now". When i turned it to the green side, it was if the servers who were dressed in traditional Gaucho outfits came out of the wall with giant skewers loaded with deliciously fire roasted meat selections. All of the selections i tried were perfectly seasoned and cooked.The stand out were the lamb chops. My GF asked me if i needed some alone time as my eyes rolled int the back of my head after my first bite. I truly ate like a caveman pushing the carbs aside. Although I did have a spoonful of the mashed potatoes because they looked too good to pass up.
The dessert was included. I thought there would be no room for dessert but we both found our spare dessert stomachs. She had the creme brulee and it was decadent, rich and delicious. I had the strawberry creme which was topped with some Creme De Cassis. It was delightful and very delish. Since it had strawberries in it, i was telling myself that it fresh fruit and good for me. That's my story and I am sticking to it!
The service is top notch. They had so much staff, when i pushed my plate aside, it was quickly whisked away and a new one was given to me just as fast. Our waters and iced teas were kept full the whole time. The server was very knowledgeable and pleasant.
My GF told me I was going to go into a food coma when I got home and as usual, she was correct. I think I am still full and we ate there yesterday.