| - Came for lunch. Surprised how many people there were. Handed menus. We didn't realize we had to write our orders down ourselves until we tried to order and the waitress told us to write it down. This has happened to me at a number of different places, and it has never irked me before. This time, it did. I know why, too. It's because all the other places that ask me to to write down my own order are little diner-esque places. Asian Legend is not a diner-esque place. It's a proper sit-down restaurant. I expect better service because of it. The prices I'm paying sort of demand it (Yes, I know that the prices aren't exorbitant by any account, but my logic is that I wouldn't expect as much service at Tim Hortons as I would from a fine dining restaurant).
Rolled onion pancake with sliced beef ($5.99) - a tad more pricey for this item than I'm used to, but I'm okay with that because Asian Legend is supposedly a bit more upscale than the other places I usually get this item at. The beef is tender, although I wish there was a tad bit more of it. The pancake is slightly flaky. I wish it was a tad more crisp, and a tad thinner. I'm also used to this having sweet sauce (or more sweet sauce) inside of it, and this one didn't have it. That all being said, I'm a sucker for rolled onion pancakes with sliced beef.
Boiled dumplings with pork and chives ($5.50) - comes with 10 dumplings. I didn't order this one, but I had three or four. They taste like the ones you buy frozen and boil yourself. I might as well do that at home.
Moo Shu pork with 6 pancakes ($11.99) - I don't know where other than Asian Legend to get this. I'm quite a fan of this dish, and I order it almost every time I go to any of the Asian Legend locations. It's shredded pork, carrots, wood ear fungus, cabbage, egg, etc. It comes with crepe-like pancakes, and is served with hoisin sauce. It's high in veggie content, but isn't vegetarian. I feel like I'm eating healthier than I could be (increase in veggies), but I'm still getting my meat. The portion of shredded stuff to pancake is a tad ridiculous. I could have twice as many pancakes and still have stuffing left. I think that's part of a scam to make you buy more pancakes ($0.60 each, and you have to order them in pairs. The waitress didn't let us know about the ordering in pairs thing when she told us the price. We told her we wanted an odd number, and she left and then came back and told us about the pairs thing. Um..okay).
Good stuff, but not quite good enough to make me a fan..just yet.