For a massive building, there was no where near as much to do as I thought there was going to be. Unfortunately it seemed like a giant unthemed playground that threw small things at you without actually teaching you much (you would think most science centres would want to let you have fun as WELL as learn). That being said, the interactive exhibits were pretty fun even for being sober on Adult Night. For 20 bucks per adult, plus parking (which is ridiculous considering basically everyone there is parking!) it was definitely over priced. The main room as you enter which was holding the exhibit How To Build A Monster was lacking in a lot. It seemed like it was thrown together last minute, and the bars and drinking was taking priority. Being able to drink on Thursdays is nice, but I'm still paying 20 bucks to look at science things. If I wanted to just socialize I would go to an actual club. It was a good night out, but I miss the old science centre that I grew up with. :(