So the next day, after many phone calls, they promise to refund the credit card for the extra charges. The total charged "in error" was $805. They also say that there are more papers to sign and that they could come to my wife's work and she could sign them there. Hell no! We scheduled for someone to come to our house when I was there to read over the new paperwork. They said they would be there tonight.
Then they read my Yelp review and get a little upset. Brandon calls and says the deal is off, they are losing money on this deal and they are trying to "make it right", blah, blah, blah. The only way they will refund the overcharge is if I delete this review. So, I tell them that I will be happy to update my review once the refund has been made.
They refunded the $805 overcharge and true to my word, here is the updated review.
You still suck. Buy a car from anyone else.