I am not an oyster fan. I know this is shocking for some people, and our friendly shucker even invited me to leave when he learned my dirty secret, but I loved the Starfish anyway. The raw clams and scallops stood out as the best thing all night especially since I had them with a great martini. My friends had a dozen oysters and were raving about them, and the fresh horseradish was also a hit. We shared the octopus dish with sausage and lentils, which was a surprisingly fantastic combination and the best cooked dish we had. S had the fried softshell crabs, D had the whitefish with ramps, and I had the sturgeon with beets, cabbage salad, and potatoes. The sturgeon was the best of the three, hands down, although fried softshell crabs are pretty much good no matter what. The rhubarb sauce on the side made them stand out. I would go back again and again for drinks and raw seafood and be perfectly happy.