| - OK, so check this out. I know I have been long dormant with the Yelp reviews (bad girl, BAD GIRL!), so to make it up to ya'll, I am now embarking on a casino-by-casino tour of my new hometown of LV, NV, and will include reviews of each as I tour them. Now, these will not include room stays, but just schlepping around the premises - eating, drinking, and checking out anything that moves or doesn't move. Got it? OK, let's proceed...
Review #40:
"I see London, I see Sam's Town" sang our native son Brandon Flowers... um, I'll take London, please!; welcome to the lovely far east side of Las Vegas; this place has that "old smoke" and "paint's peeling" vibe, especially on the tired 2nd floor; the main floor is actually not that bad, with a pretty impressive waterfall area; there are nightly fountain & neon light shows here - but I highly doubt The Bellagio is worrying that it will take away their clientele; there are miles of slot machines, as you'd expect at a lower-end locals casino; the sports book is surprisingly large & worthy; there is both a cinema and a bowling alley here, and both are nicer than expected; the restaurant choices are really uninspiring; best craft beer bet = other than Fat Tire draft, the correct call is the sundries store which shockingly had some worthy selections, including Tenaya Creek 22 oz bomber bottles for $5!