The mail order side of their business is horrible. I turned in a prescription Thursday afternoon and called Friday morning to reiterate my medication runs out Friday night and needed it refilled and delivered by close of business. No problem they said so nothing delivered Friday as promised. I called Saturday morning to see what happened and was told they don't do same day delivery but will call later that day to setup a delivery time. 1pm rolls around and no one has called so I call them. They are closed. I call first thing Monday morning and was told if no one has called to setup a delivery time by 1pm to call. No one called so I call them again. Was told they would deliver by the end of the day. I hung up and 20 minutes later I get a call from the same person I had been talking to stating they were out of my medication and hoped they would have it today (Tuesday) by 1pm and to call back. I called and was told they have the medication and after me raising holy hell they would deliver it today (same day). It is now 5pm and nothing. Keep in mind this is my 4th full day without much needed medication.
*Update* I did receive my medication at 7pm.