I don't know how to rate them or Cox since I'm dealing with bs from both of them currently because they don't know how to communicate to each other or me. I'm still waiting for a garage. I'm still waiting on my home life package that the guy didn't bring this past Tuesday. I live on the top floor, 3rd floor, loft style, no elevators and have to find parking every night since it's limited and not assigned. They keep saying they want to audit each garage but idk what that has to do with me since I only need one and it needs to be in my building. My other issue is that they don't check the apartments when people move out so instead they make that the new tenant (me) responsibility to find all of their mistakes/corrections. I feel as if there's too much hassle. I'd think they'd be more willing to help since I'm paying a lot to live here and expect that type of atmosphere and professionalism.