Idk why the reviews on here for this club are so high because this is NOT a good club.
Only reason I went was cuz my buddies and I booked our plane tickets late and wanted to save money on a hotel on the strip (separate story).
Anyhow, by the mere fact that this hotel is not on the strip should already say how not good this club is. As a guest I got a voucher for two free entries. For shits and giggles I thought I would check it out before hitting a real Vegas club.
Crowd felt like a dead after hours crowd. No energy and not a lot of girls above a 6. There was this roped off area for like bachleorettes but since they just stayed at their booths you could never talk to them.
Above the dance floor they had decorations which looked like those paper streamers you have at a five year olds bday. WTF eh?
If you're a girl who clubs like once a year and don't like to line up outside a club or be bothered by guys, then this is for you. If you're young and a REAL clubber then stick to a club on the strip like Marquee or XS.