I came here on Saturday morning craving breakfast but I couldn't decide between their breakfast burrito or their Key Largo Crepe. I finally decided on the crepe because I thought that might be healthier...but now that I think about it I don't think either can be described as healthy. The Key Largo had Smoked Turkey, diced bacon, guacamole, diced tomatoes, and cheddar and jack cheese. Topped with sour cream and a side of salsa. It was also served with some potatoes on the side. This is the first non dessert crepe I have eaten so it had a lot to live up to. It was yummy but I think I will just stick to crepes as a dessert . I think it's because I've programmed myself to think of them as sweet and when I don't get that I think it comes up as second rate in my mind. I do know what I want to try there when I go back ...this lady next to me had this yogurt looking parfait . It had what looked like blueberries and mandarin oranges on the top.That may be a contender on my next visit!