Let's talk about the Dog and Bear Cobb Salad. I've been to the Cob Salad Rodeo more then once in my short but glorious existence, and let me tell you something; there are a lot of beautifully crafted salads in this diverse world of ours.
This was not one of them.
Imagine someone slamming a brick of cheese, a ham hock and a chunk of ice burg lettuce onto a plate with some sauce. That's pretty much what you get. One inch ham and cheese cubes circling the plate like a game of ring-around-the-Rosie. Lettuce that you have to chip at like the chunk of ice it's named after.
The ingredients of a salad should be as integrated as the beautiful Canadian Cultural Mosaic, not slammed down separately like a bunch of rugged...things...that totally don't hang out or aren't sliced thinly or whatever.
Also where's the egg and bacon?
Look just don't order the Cobb.