| - Be aware of this Car Wash, Arizona Auto Wash Indian Bend Scottsdale; especially if your a woman. I went in for a car wash , but left with a horrible experience. My windshield had a small crack, however not new, had for two years, no scratches or other cracks. I left my automobile and walked away, when a man ran after me, and said "you have an X crack we can fix it with your Insurance Company. keep in mind I did NOT enter the car wash yet. I did not have the X CRACK. when I arrived. The next day speaking with the owner, who said this happens when you go thru the wash? Yet the man that ran after me showed me the crack before I went into the Wash. One man stated one thing, the other another. No one took responsibility for what they did.
I KNOW FOR A FACT THIS CRACK WAS NOT THERE, .I also mention this to an Auto glass company and they are aware this type of tactic happens with woman especially. Never before when I went to other Auto wash company's did I experience this, and with no cracks appearing in my windshield.