If you love yourself and/or a loved one in need...which is our case...go see Jeff!
My wife of 46 years had Uterine Cancer treated with hysterectomy & Chemo...which resulted in massive weight loss...she's currently 82 pounds...has been in and out of the hospital 5x this year (2016) with pneumonia and even a blood clot...had all her real teeth removed and replaced...has COPD and on oxygen 24/7...and still needs a sinus cavity drain procedure...to say shes been up against it is an understatement. I've found western medecine can only go so far...antibiotics arent even working well anymore.
"Seek and ye shall find"...I was seeking a different path for my soul mate and I found Jeff...he is very gifted, empathetic and kind... and a master at his craft. Now...be a skeptic, but don't be cheap or stupid to save a nickel...I'm from Jersey so bank on me being a skeptic...after the session with my wife...now, I'm a believer. The power of the subconscious is limitless.
That said...money is simply a means of exchange...an investment in excellence and we found excellence in Jeff in many ways. I highly regard and recommend Jeff Bliss...try him once with an open mind, you'll be impressed!