This operation is dependant on volunteers 100% because of the number of people that they feed, clothe, and shower here on a daily basis. On my first visit, I was working in the basement sorting shoes, and immediately you get an opportunity to see the effect the items have in someone's life. This program helps the homeless population keep clothed in business and casual clothes so that they can find gainful employment. They offer dinner 6 days a week and access to shower facilities. Because of the neighborhood they also watch out for those that would be vulnerable, such as women and children to help them transition to a more suitable and safe shelter. The arrangement between Andre House and St Vincent De. Paul is working to better the lives of many. Donations are a vital part of this organization and the generosity of people is essential to keeping this organization in operation. This organization feeds more than 500 people a night so manpower is key as well
Keep fighting the good fight! See you soon to help with dinner!