Have to say that most of the food this trip to Vegas was on the fence and between a 3 and 4 star rating. This place, I will bump it up to 4, as it was the only place we ate at AGAIN that we visited 4 months ago. This is a solid buffet and a great deal for the price. I liked it much better than the spice market and I believe that one would have cost us more before the discount we got.
I only did one plate of crab - but that's because I had a lot of company with and I was trying to eat politely. Last time, I got down on about 3 plates full. The cold shrimp and the fried shrimp were excellent. Love their salad station with all the toppings and the pizza right next to it. I think I might have liked the deserts at spice market a TINGE better, but the cheesecake and clafoutis I sampled was super yummy.
I think if I was going to take advantage of an "pay once, eat all day" it would be here.