What struck me most about this show was the music. There were a handful of songs that I really dug! The opening number and they have another song in a foreign language. I don't want to give away any of the show, but I continue to be amazed how creative and different each show is. They are always able to create props, acts, and different themes for each show that push the limits of the imagination and their performers. With this show in particular, I wonder how they were able to execute a lot of the stage changing formation and where the performers went once they went inside the water. They just seemed to disappear! I also sat in the 2nd to the last row and those tickets were at $130 which were more expensive than I though they'd be. It's probably because it's in Vegas and because of the water element. Still, worth every penny and so glad I saw it. If only I had better seats to see the details of the performance.