So, I called the place to reserve a birthday cake. I did it well in advance and I am sure I dialed the right number too.
When I showed up they didn't have it. I was shocked and a little angered that they lost my order - but when all came about I had made my order to another store location, and instead they just canceled that one and whipped up a cake on the spot, the one I wanted, how I wanted it and didn't charge me anything extra. For that I am very pleased. They acted and handled this situation like pros.
The negative is that I know I called this location, and I must just assume that the number is forwarded if they don't pickup. The people in the store said this is not the case, and I could be wrong - but I doubt it.
The smaller bundt cakes (size of a big burger) are awesome! When it becomes bigger like birthday cake big, the cake losses its awesomeness. It's still good, but not like the smaller ones. That just a tip!