| - I am not sure what to think about this place. It is big. The food is mostly fried.
I much preferred the slightly more expensive Crazy Buffet, but since it went out of business a couple times I must have been one of the only ones.
What this place has to offer:
Make your own stir-fry, steaks, ice-cream machines, dessert table, many typical American Chinese staples. Also pizza, salmon, crab legs, chicken wings, soups, sometimes duck, and crab legs. (The crab legs tend to go quick!)
The problem is that not all of it is that good. You'll get full, of course, but you might feel a bit guilty afterwards. Salad bar? Not really, it's not that kind of place.
Sometimes they have fried shrimp balls, greasy little nuggets of compressed shrimp meat. They are the best thing here in my opinion. Terrible for you, like everything else, but delicious. I am also partial to the fried dough with sesame seeds on the outside and red bean paste on the inside. They're on the dessert table.
The "fried meat + syrupy sauce + maybe a vegetable or two" dishes aren't really to my taste, but they have a lot of them. There's sweet and sour chicken as well, and dumplings. The stir-fry options aren't as involved as, say, Flat Top but this place is generally cheaper. You can get meat mixed in with the veggies at the fry-grill.
The sushi has improved a lot in the time since I started going there. It is still, definitely, buffet sushi but it's not bad and they seem to make more fairly often.
We go here about once a year, which seems about right to me.