| - This review is based on Paris Las Vegas' conference facilities.
I was in town for guessed it, a conference. I learned from someone in the know that there were approximately 900 attendees, so not super huge, but not tiny, either. I liked the ease of finding meeting rooms at Paris. They were blocked together, so it was great not to risk missing a session start time because of walking long distances between one room and another. Paris also earned extra points for supplying towels for participants - it was a fitness/exercise science conference. Bathrooms were clean the one and only time I used the facilities.
Paris lost points for stained carpeting. I may not have ordinarily have noticed the problem, but there were workout sessions being performed on it. Sometimes in bare feet. Ick. Another point off for tech staff. Maybe it was an off-week or perhaps budget cuts got rid of necessary bodies, but I saw a handful of problems that weren't addressed right away. The most flagrant wasn't entirely Paris' fault. One of the presenters was trying to load her Mac-based presentation on a PC. Wasn't gonna happen. Tech staff messed with her presentation for, no joke, 15-20 minutes, 10-15 of which session goers witnessed because everything they tried was illuminated on the screen. If *I* know something technology-related is not going to work before IT staff can figure it out, that's just sad. But, seriously, the presenter should have brought her Mac/iPad with her to connect with the projector.
All told, points added and removed will figure into an average rating. Good job, Paris. And oopsy, Paris.