BEWARE!! I purchased a car at the USA motorcars in Parma on Brookpark Rd. The manager told me I was approved for 5.5% interest rate ( I have excellent credit 800+, but was buying an older car with high mileage) However, when I went into the credit managers dimly lit office to sign the actual paperwork, they rushed me through it since it was almost closing time, they ended up charging me 8% interest on my loan. Being an inexperienced car buyer and too trusting, I signed the documents they were pushing in front of me and didn't notice it until later on at home. Here is some information I came across later and I am sure this is what happened to me: What most car buyers don't know is that the bank funding the loan allows the dealer to increase the interest rate for compensation. For example, a bank may be willing to buy the contract as long as the interest rate is at least 4 percent, but will permit the dealer to charge the consumer up to 6.5 percent interest. The dealer is paid some or all the difference, which is the "markup." The average interest percent markup for their profit by dealers is 2.5%, and that is exactly the amount they increased mine. Please beware, these are not honest people!