Umm... This place always has poor customer service any time I have gone in- I am not sure where they hire these people from. My husband was holding my purse for me and as we walked in they asked him to leave his bag at the the register! I was like, "My purse?! I don't think so!!" Their staff looks shady- yeah I trust them with my wallet- not! Should have walked out then and there, but the awkward situation took a couple minutes to process- as this has NEVER EVER happened to me in a store before! They also lost a sale from some things I will now just purchase on Amazon along with any chance at any future business with me. NOTE TO MANAGEMENT/OWNER: asking to hold someone's bag/purse up front is a huge liability from a risk management perspective: 'Yeah, my I pad has gone missing!', 'Dude I had $500 in here and now it's gone!'... You may want to train your employees proper etiquette and better customer service as theft deterent- that usually works at nicer stores like Nordstrom, Apple, and Sephora! And basically every other store I have been to (None of them have tried to take my purse! Imagine that!). Would rate no stars if I could, this is abhorrent and unacceptable.