Loved it!!! Took my whole family. Got tickets on Groupon for cheaper. Lines were insane & it was freezing cold out on the night we went. Parking was super far! Walking with kids through the park in the dark & in the freezing cold to get to the place, I wasn't too happy about. Seeing the displays fixed my mood tho. Everything was so cool!!! Very worth seeing. Kids loved it as well. Didn't get a chance to see shows or eat the foods tho. We were just trying to get through the cold & see everything in a good amount of time. Great photo ops!! I suggest go before the sun really goes down to get some brighter shots. It's hard for the pics to really come out nice when it's super dark. The bright lights of the displays are good by themselves when taking a pic of it but with you in it, not so great. You come out dark. Especially phone pics. I had to angle my phone in so many ways to get a decent shot of the kids with the displays. This is our first yr going. Definitely would go again. If you haven't been, you must go!!! It's so cool!