Sad to see a concept fail. Obviously my opinions are different than a lot of the other reviewers, but I felt ripped off from the moment approaching the restaurant. A sandwich board out front promises entertainment tonite! Inside their is NO room for an entertainer, ask the server who and where the entertainent is. Answer: He is the entertainment! Perhaps, but a very low set bar. Diet Coke is actually Dr. Pepper, thankfully the water is real. When cabbage is expensive due to the season, don't sell me 2 cups of cabbage core sliced with a
machete and call it cole slaw! My ribs had been dead for a long time and the short turn in the microwave did nothing to add to the ambience or taste. At l;east get it above room temperature. Reading elsewhere about the owners of this establishment reads like a rod trip thru waay too many restaurants, many now just tired memories.
Half way thru eating tjhis hunk o meat, I survey the room and it dawns on me, we are some of th efew actually eating food, the rest of the patrons are drowing their appetites in little glasses of rd wine and I assume techila.