| - This is a review of the gym /fitness facility only. I'm a fairly hardcore exerciser so I hope this helps others who might be looking for more than the "they even had a fitness room!" review.
It had 3 treadmills , 2 ellipticals, an adjustable weight bench, 5 to 50 lb Dumbbells, 2 medicine balls, 1 big ball and 3 ultra light kettle bells 5 to 15lbs?). There were also 3 old yoga mats.
The good:
1. The floor space was actually decent with enough room to do push-ups, lunges, farmers walks, yoga etc.
2. The exercise machines looked fairly new and unbroken. Each had their own tv for those inclined to do hamster wheel workouts.
3. Towels were stacked on a table.
4. Rubber gym floor was nicer than typical funky bowling alley carpet often found in hotel gyms.
5. 24/7 access by room card for people like me who sleep poorly in hotels.
6. The Dumbbells and weight bench were decent quality.
7. The heavier med ball was beaten to crap, but hadn't broken yet.
The bad:
1. It could really use a pull-up bar ($100) and a barbell set ($300) or a TRX $200) and some exercise bands ($50). That small investment would make this hotel gym about 10x better than any others on the north shore.
2. I brought my own Woss trainer (a US made, less expensive TRX replacement). But there's nowhere to hang it in the gym. For those interested in doing pull-ups, try scoping out the lower stairwells where you can hang your Trx from a rail like I did. Or if it is not freezing outside, it looks like you could use the rails down near the bridge by the football stadium or some of the trees on the riverfront possibly.
3. There's no water in the gym, just a stained floor spot where a cooler once sat. Even worse, there's no fountain by the bathrooms just outside the gym. Take a water bottle if you want a drink.
4. As usual, there's zero chance of fresh air. There are frosted glass windows but no way to open them.
If you want a real gym, head to the Golds downtown on market street. It's a 20 minute walk, but worth the effort. I did that on a previous trip.
My workout includes yoga, floor work and body weight exercises. The rooms in the hotel are huge and I was able to jam all the tables and chairs in the kitchen and other crannies to open up a 10x10 workout area in my room.
As for the rest of the hotel, read the other reviews. I'm sure they cover it