Avoid this place at all cost! Discovered them on Craigslist for a full stainless steel kitchen set and when I got there, and the set was not the one advertised. Ad claimed no scratches or dents and like new inside. Everything about the advertisement other than the brand name was false. After haggling with them to buff out the scratches and replace the the dishwasher components I finally made the sale which they would only run a small amount on a debit card and the rest had to be cash I assume so a dispute of service can not be completed with your bank. They delivered the appliance the following day giving a 6 hour window, hauled my appliances in an open trailer In the rain, and the delivery guy scratched and dented my appliances along with my door frame. Offered no resolution for the damages. In the thick of a complaint with them which at this time they are not making right.