If you live in the beach, Vivetha is that restaurant that the locals have been raving about for a few years. As a beacher, I was late to the party going there only last year for the first time...it's at the very east end on Queen which is like going to the moon for most people and also feels like a time warp with the hodge podge of shops and dodgey looking laundromats.
I thought it was going to look more homey, but the decor like they got a deal on the remnants of a Moxie's or some other chain.
Also I don't really like massive menus where there are 12 types of pasta. When did this happen anyway? When I was young, we had spaghetti and fat spaghetti, then came angel hair spaghetti and all hell broke loose.
The food is consistently been good (been there 3 times now) but yes! Humungous portions which they can't change now because they set a precedent. If you are thinking of starting a restaurant, don't do this. Heaps of food is a turn off because you end up feeling bad when you don't eat the salad.
The best part of Vivetha is that if you are a local, you will always run into someone you know and it's almost always somebody who is having an affair.