After going without AC in my car for over a year-and-a-half, I brought my well-worn Infiniti over to the guys at AA Auto on the recommendation from the gentlemen working at the nearby O'Reilly's. I worked with Mark during the repair process, who told me that AC systems were particularly finicky components that sometimes took a little bit of patience.
The short of this story is this: I took my vehicle in for service 6 times to diagnose and methodically correct broken components that were causing 120-degree air to blast my face every time I sat in the driver's seat. It may have taken that aforementioned patience, but Mark and his team were incredibly communicative and overly generous during the entire process. Of those six visits, I was only charged for service twice.
It is not often that you find a team of mechanics that are honest, straightforward, and willing to work within your tight budget, but the people over at this AA Auto Care center are just that. I will absolutely be returning for service here, and ranting recommendations from the rooftops to any and all who will listen.