Gangplank is a great place for anyone who does ANY work with the Internet or Tech community to work, hang out or meet up. Gangplank is anchored by 4 companies who provide support for the freelancers and community growing here.
Open Monday - Friday during normal business hours (830am - 6pm or so) and until at least 10pm on Wednesdays for Hacknights ( There are open desks, open wifi, and plenty of smart people around to help with nearly any sort of project.
Wednesdays also have the lunchtime Gangplank Academy session where local people talk about entrepreneurship, business, technology or design.
Gangplanks mission of building a collaborative community is working, as evidenced by the lack of chairs now at events.
You can find out more at, following them on twitter,the facebook group, or just swinging out to the office.
See you there!