| - I guess I should only review the venue and not the bands they are booking, BUT the bands they are booking are a great part of the pleasure I get out of this establishment.
/Atmosphere & Crowd
I go here for the metalhead kind of concerts, so the crowd is what it is. The male to female ratio is sad and discouraging, but then again keep focus on why you are here.. it aint no nightclub brother. The crowd is nice, but atmosphere is stand-off-ish.
/Bar & Sound
The bar is the bare minimum, and that is enough. Prices could be cheaper, but they rake in money here I am sure. The sound isn't the best, but when I read a lot of complaints regarding the sound - I must state that I have been to way worse venues with way shittier sound. This isn't bad..
/Bands & Price
For the price that you pay for the ticket, you can see some pretty cool bands. The one thing I think is a complete rip-off is the 'service fee' of $7 per ticket. That's just a racket and is shameful. Just add that to the ticket price, because that's what it is. We all know it.
Overall value:
I go here. I won't polish this turd, but then again if you go see the bands I go see.. this venue fits its purpose and fills its expectations. I have gone here several times, and I will keep going as long as they book bands that play my music. (And yes, they still have $7 parking - which is excessive.)
.. und das ist nach der metalkopf kritiker