The examples we saw from Sid were quite nice. On the few we saw you could see the time he puts into his craft. The customer service aspect of the business needs work as we found his appointments were running over one another as they were late starting and would run into the following ones time. Ours ran over the end of our scheduled appointment but did start late. His prices are high but that seems to be the standard for most photographers. We were told the turnaround on these photos take 10 weeks, which is very high compared to other elite photographers, but it is still not enough for the company as it has been 12 weeks for us and we have yet to get our one print.
The attitude we received in our conversations with Sid after the initial photoshoot was very unpleasant and hurtful to my family.
The Groupon seemed like a nice gift from a friend but in the end she will fight for her money back as we are content enough to not have to deal with this company again. Spend your money wisely, someplace else.