So why would you beat up on a brand new place. obviously these are younger folks just trying to make money by starting here and you folks just throw them under the bus. This is not rocket science but they do have some highly edumacated folks there.
Yes they are a chain but yes this is new store. The concept is sound, the food is fresh and clean and only bad because you cant figure out how to season it. That is the whole concept. I sit at full service bar and am treated like king with my named asked for and used several times. Drink and food club stuff avail. All you can eat for 14.00 is cheap. If you dont know how to fill one bowl to the max and dont understand how meat shrinks when you cook it then pay the extra 3 bucks cheapass. I have been waiting for good Mongo since that place went TU on Flamingo near UNLV.
Give these guys a chance, ask questions the first time you are there, they will gladly help you out. Most of all give immediate common sence feedback on table size and such so they can at least look into improveing your crummy little life experience. Dont just go once, like it but whine about it!